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Dan Saks is the president of Saks & Associates, which offers training and consulting in C and C++ and their use in developing embedded systems. He served as the first secretary of the C++ Standards committee and contributed to the CERT Secure Coding Standards for C and C++.
He has written columns for numerous print and web publications including The C/C++ Users Journal, The C++ Report, Computer Language, The Journal of C Language Translation, Embedded Systems Design and embedded.com. With Thomas Plum, he wrote C++ Programming Guidelines, which won a 1992 Computer Language Magazine Productivity Award. He has presented hundreds of lectures at conferences around the world, including keynote addresses at the Embedded Systems Conference, the ACCU Conference, and CppCon.
Daniel studied electronical engineering and is the founder of embeff, a startup which brings the benefits of modern software engineering practices to the embedded world.
He has more than 10 years professional experience in different areas of software engineering but is really fascinated by the specific requirements of embedded systems.
Rainer Grimm has worked as a software architect, team lead and instructor for about 20 years. In his spare time, he likes to write articles about C++, Python and Haskell, but he also likes to speak at conferences. He publishes weekly on his English and German blog "Modernes C++". The German blog is hosted on Heise Developer.
Now he is an independent trainer giving seminars to modern C++ and Python. He published several books in various languages to modern C++ and concurrency, in particular.
Diego's passions are robotics and SW engineering and development. He has developed many years in C and C++ in the Industrial, Robotics and AI fields. Diego was also a University (tenure track) professor and robotics researcher for 8 years, till 2012, when he quit academia to try to build a C/C++ dependency manager and co-founded a startup.. Since then he mostly develops in Python. Diego is a conan.io C/C++ package manager co-creator and maintainer, now working at JFrog as senior SW engineer and C/C++ advocate.
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. Worked as a C/C++ developer with different libraries (STL, Boost, ROS, VTK, Qt/QML) mostly in 3D printing and robotics fields.<br />Currently enjoying my professional career as a Conan C/C++ Package Manager developer at JFrog
Jonathan Pallant is a Senior Technical Consultant within Cambridge Consultants' Wireless Embedded Software Department. Jonathan gained a First in Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) from the University of Warwick in 2004 and then went straight into embedded systems research and development. At Cambridge Consultants for over nine years now, Jonathan has worked on projects ranging from 8-bit micros to 'five-9s' teleco software running across 14 blades, and everything in between. Since 2010 he has been an architect and core developer for Cambridge Consultants' own in-house CI system and also takes an active role in setting their software quality and product development processes. Jonathan is a big fan of the Rust programming language, and manages a number of published crates, including for the Texas Instruments Stellaris Launchpad devkit and the Raspberry Pi SenseHat. Jonathan is also a member of the Rust Embedded Working Group. You can find Jonathan online through https://keybase.io/thejpster.
Paul Targosz mainly deals with TMP optimizations in C ++ 17 on bare metal systems and is implementing a modern approuch of a Hardware-Abstraction-Layer named Alloy-HAL (http://alloy-hal.io/) to make less mistakes and get faster code. The computer scientist, who has studied in Dortmund, is passionately dedicated to bus connections with a focus on Ethernet and is using this knowledge as the Head of Research & Development at Auto-Intern GmbH in Bochum and the local usergroup called PottCpp (pottcpp.de).
Senior Embedded Software Engineer at Atomation, an end-to-end IoT platform company.
Atomation connects legacy objects to the internet, making the object alive, smart and able to communicate previously unavailable data.
Wouter van Ooijen is a software engineer by profession and a hardware tinkerer by passion. He got his degree in Informatics from the Delft University of Technology, the most practical-oriented of the Dutch universities, sometimes frowned upon by the more theoretical ones.
Odin was allocated from a pool of hippies in the middle of the forest. He spent most of his career designing electronic circuits and programming micro controllers in assembler. One day after having shot himself in the foot particularly badly a friend introduced him to C++, a seriously powerful and ongoing addiction followed. Odin has authored many proof of concept libraries in the embedded field and is trying to revolutionize this domain. Odin co-authored the kvasir::mpl library, co-founded the embo.io conference and was a heavy contributor to the brigand library. In his day job he teaches people how to shoot themselves in the foot less and get more from their compiler, both with his in house team as well as in a training and consulting role.
Maurice is a software engineer at The Qt Company, focusing on automation related industries and technologies. Before that he has been focusing on Microsoft related embedded OSes (Windows 10 IoT up to Windows CE).