A first look at Meeting Embedded 2021
published at 07.10.2021 16:36 by Jens Weller
Giving you an update on this years Meeting Embedded conference. The Call for Talks is extended until October 15th.
So submit your talk until next week Friday!
First Program
I've contacted many speakers, and can present a first selection from the submitted talks for the conference. There are still some talks pending as a maybe, so some more additions to the program are expected. For now the conference will be hosted on an afternoon, depending on the time zones of speakers we might extend into the evening and/or morning. The conference will be hosted on Hubilo.
The conference will host an AMA with Odin Holmes, well known speaker on embedded and Host of Embo++.
From the so far submitted talks I selected these 3 as a preview:
- Hexagonal Architecture: The Standard for Qt Embedded Applications
- Performance Optimization Techniques for Mobile Devices: An Overview
- C++17 Polymorphic Memory Resources (pmr) and STL Containers for Embedded Applications
I think we've never had a Qt focused talk for embedded, and hearing from the mobile world is a great addition for the embedded audience I think.
Tickets: Last but not least, let me point out that there is a Ticket for both Meeting Embedded and Meeting C++ 2021 available in the Ticketshop of Meeting C++ 2021. Normal Tickets are available in the ticketshop for Meeting Embedded 2021.